
DOK.fest München. At the cinema. At home.

DOK.fest München is Germany's largest documentary film festival.
We present the highlights of current documentary filmmaking at DOK.fest, the festival in May, and throughout the year – on the big screen in the cinema and on the digital screen @home.

Programme in May

The dual festival

Every year in May, DOK.fest München presents around 130 international documentary films on the big screen at 20 partner venues in the centre of Munich. The programme is divided into four main competitions and several series. Since 2022, the festival has been held as a dual event: on the big screen in the cinema as well as on the digital screen @home.

A meeting place for the documentary film industry: the Perspectives take a look at the future of documentary film in workshops, case studies and panels. The co-production and ideas market Marketplace offers concrete offers for the realisation of new documentary film projects. Since 2022, the industry platform is hybrid – simultaneously on-site and online. provides film education for pupils, teachers and adults. The Schule des Sehens is cultural education at the cinema as an extracurricular place of learning for pupils of all ages. Our teacher training courses make educators fit for digital teaching. We offer workshops and family films for children, young people and families. Since 2022, has also been available in the online cinema hall.


As a unique platform in Germany, the festival's Africa programme promotes the perception and representation of the African continent beyond short-lived headlines and stereotypes. The focus is on the active exchange of filmmakers and training programmes for young African documentary filmmakers.


Year-round programme

Experience our festival films all year round as guests of our cultural partners all over Munich and at home with our Dok@home Selection. 


A selection of the best films from the last festival tour through Bavarian cinemas from October to December.


We offer our teacher training courses, film class mentorships and Culture Day Film throughout the year. Each spring, the documentary film competition for young people invites young, school-based filmmakers to submit their films.


Association & History of the festival

The non-profit association Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München e.V., together with the association Filmstadt München e.V., organizes the International Documentary Film Festival München.


The Munich International Documentary Film Festival was founded in 1985 and has developed over the years into the largest documentary film festival in Europe.