At the cinema. At home.

Films by Tags

A quick overview of all the tags at DOK.fest München 2023.



To the films



To the films


#Picture the picture: films, videos, photographies & paintings

To the films


#German Premiere

Zu den Filmen



To the films



To the films


#Films with audio description

To the films


#Films with subtitles for people with hearing impairments

To the films


#For Cineasts

To the films


#In relation (to)

To the films


#In the Close-Up: Evironment, Nature & Climate Change

To the films


#Young perspectives – Coming of age

Zu den Filmen


#Controverse medialities

Zu den Filmen


#War and its consequences

Zu den Filmen


#Bodies in motion

Zu den Filmen


#Latin America

Zu den Filmen


#Evening of life

Zu den Filmen


#Limited Films

To the films


#North America

To the films


#Only in the cinema

To the films


#Online available

To the films


#Power of the people: politics and society

To the films


#Award-winning films

To the films


#The Art of Living: Music

To the films


#World Premiere

To the films


#At home on two continents

To the films