Switzerland 2019 – Director: Juliana Fanjul – Original language: Spanish – Subtitles: English – Length: 79 min.
“Justicia!” the people cry during the protests on the streets of Mexico. They are calling for justice for journalists who have been murdered. Carmen Aristegui does not allow herself to be intimidated by state repression. The radio presenter bravely fights on for press freedom and democracy.
We present the German premiere of the film at DOK.fest München 2020 @home.
Juliana Fanjul was born in Mexico in 1981. She received a BA in Visual Communication, attended the EICTV, International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños (documentary department) and worked as an assistant director. In 2011, she went to Switzerland on an exchange program, where she completed the Master in Cinema Studies 2012-14, a joint program of ECAL (École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne) and HEAD (Haute École d'Art et Design) in Geneva.
MUCHACHAS, CH 2015, 63 min.
CUBA CALLING, QU / CU 2014, 24 min.
SI SEGUIMOS VIVOS, CU 2010, 24 min.
For VIKTOR DOK.horizonte (worth 5,000 Euros, sponsored by Petra-Kelly-Stiftung)
In partnership with
Writer: Juliana Fanjul. Camera: Jérôme Colin. Sound: Carlos Ibanez Diaz. Editing: Yael Bitton. Music: Marc Parazon. Production: AKKA FILMS. Producer: Philippe Coeytaux. International Sales: Sweet Spot Docs Distribution: Jip Films and Verleih.
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