Switzerland 2016 – Director: Thomas Lüchinger – Original language: English, Nepali, Portuguese, Swiss German – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 95 min.

In the confrontation with their own mortality, four people who accompany dying people in different cultures until death show us ways in which they are there for the dying in their last phase of life and in doing so, always enter into a new relationship with their own lives, reflecting on their relationship to death and dying. The four protagonists from the USA, Switzerland, Brazil and Nepal raise the question of whether we need a new Ars Moriendi in this day and age that – as was the case in the late Middle Ages – understands dying as part of life and thus brings the confrontation with dying back into our lives as enrichment. (Thomas Lüchinger)

Writer: Thomas Lüchinger. Camera: Thomas Lüchinger. Sound: Werner Graf, Hemraj Dangal. Editing: Rolf Lang, Samuel Kellenberger, Thomas Lüchinger. Music: Ephrem Lüchinger, Manuel Rindlisbacher. Production: roses for you film. Producer: Thomas Lüchinger.

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