
Mon 11th May 2015
10.00 to 12.00 am 

Scanwerk, Free entry
Blütenstraße 15/Rgb.
Reserve your place by emailing

Every film goes through three creative processes: before the filming, during the filming and finally in post production. From the choice of camera to the most sensible methods of production and post production suitable for each type of narrative and each story: never before have the possibilities been so vast and the opportunities for error so manifold. Which systems to use and which formats to film on, which mistakes can be made and which must you avoid at all costs? Post production workflow from A to Z: data transfer, comparing cameras, the limits of post production and the options it affords – this workshop offers everyone who wants to look seriously into film production a good foundation so that they can be in the best place for the next project. The Scanwerk postproduction team members have kindly made themselves available to give beginners and advanced learners an insight into their wealth of experience.

Workshop Leader: Manuel Lebelt