Alexandra Ginger

Studentin Mensch Computer Interaktion (LMU München)

ALEXANDRA GINGER (*1995) studies Human-Computer Interaction at the LMU Munich and is involved in the XR Bavaria e.V.. She has several years of professional experience in the field of 3D visualization and XR. Among others at the BMW Group, the University of Regensburg and MMM GmbH (ongoing). While studying Medientechnik (2013-2017) at the TH Deggendorf, she held the editorial management of the student tv, as well as the student radio, was a tutor for 3D and participated in projection mapping projects. She was also involved in several film and theater projects, supported by the “Junges Theater am Gärtnerplatz”, "In eigener Regie" by JFF and "Filmklasse Deutschland" by Up-and-coming Filmfestival.

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