Line Sander Egede

(TAK films)

Line has been producing short films and documentaries since 2010 and has a bachelor’s degree in TV and Media production from DMJX in Copenhagen. Since moving to Montreal, she graduated from the Cinema program at L’inis in 2017. In 2018 Line founded the production company TAK films and in 2020 she finished the feature film Vacarme, directed by Neegan Trudel, which won an Iris Award for Best first feature 2021. In 2021 feature documentary Gabor directed by Joannie Lafrenière premiered at RIDM and was selected at Hot Docs and Full Frame film festival. With Production company Art et essai she released the feature film Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person by Ariane Louis-Seize in 2023.

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