Anke Petersen

Geschäftsführerin/Producerin (Jyoti Film GmbH)

JYOTI means LIGHT in the Hindi language. With the films they develop and produce, Anke Petersen Anna Chester and Lilian Tietjen aim to shed light on untold stories. Their films have been awarded with the Golden Dove in Leipzig, the Human Rights Award in Sarajevo, the Special Jury Award in Visions du Réel and the Arab Film Critics prize in Cannes. „My stolen Planet“ just won the 2nd prize of the Panorama Audience Award at 2024 Berlinale. As female producers, stories from and about women are close to their heart. They like to put an emphasis on diversity and crossmedia storytelling. Anke is an alumna of Doc Campus and a certified Green Consultant (IHK).

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