Denmark 2024 – Director: Camilla Magid – Original language: Danish – Subtitles: English – Length: 90 min.
Emotional turmoil, communication breakdowns and a body that is out of whack. Puberty is a time of doubt and insecurity. Ask, Luca, and Josefine are teenagers who get to experience the chaos of self-discovery at the Østerskov boarding school. Here, the lessons are playful and the students are taught to come to terms with their fluid selves through role-play. Hurray for being different! Ina Borrmann
Camilla Magid, born in Copenhagen, is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. She studied film at the University of Copenhagen, attended the film school SUPER 16 and studied Arabic language and culture at the Royal Danish Defence College.
Filmography (selection)
DANCE LESSONS, DK 2019, series
LAND OF THE FREE, DK/FI 2017, 92 min.
WHITE BLACK BOY, DK 2012, 57 min.
With FSK-youth rating: released from 6 years (descriptor: heavy scenes)
Production: FINAL CUT FOR REAL. Producer: Heidi Elise Christensen. International Sales: Cinephil