Munich Premieres

At this film screening director Jonas Neumann will be our guest for a subsequent Q&A.


Deutschland 2024 – Director: Jonas Neumann – Original version with English subtitles – subsequent Q&A with the director – Length: 82 min.

  • Thu, 5/9/24
    Pasinger Fabrik

In times of increasing radical right-wing agitation, remembering the Holocaust is more important than ever. But, 80 years after the liberation of the concentration camps, only a few contemporary witnesses are still alive. The day-to-day work at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site is observed in still, contemplative images. A big and worrying question hangs in the room: what does effective remembrance work look like in the future? Ysabel Fantou



Documentary film director Jonas Neumann initially studied theater studies and philosophy at LMU before moving on to HFF Munich in 2010. He works as a freelance filmmaker and has been a freelance lecturer at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial since 2006.

Filmography (selection)

NADELSTICHE, DE 2016, 22 min.
BLICKE IN DIE LEERE, DE 2009, 50 min.


Nominated for the FFF Talent Award Documentary Film

No youth rating

English/Original Title: TODAY IS TOMORROW’S YESTERDAY. Camera: Pius Neumaier, Carla Muresan. Editing: Robert Vakily. Production: Michael Kalb Filmproduktion. Producer: Michael Kalb.

  • Thu, 5/9/24
    Pasinger Fabrik