
The film makers whose works have been collected in DOK.horizonte talk about countries undergoing transitions, about politics and about personal fates. They have not rarely been confronted with difficult production conditions and besides took financial and other risks. For us, their audience.


Belgien, Bolivien 2017 – Director: Karen Vázquez Guadarrama Bart Goossens – including film talk with Karen Vasquez Guadarrama – Length: 66 min.

  • Thu, 05/10/18
    Neues Maxim

The Bolivian highlands. Here reigns El Tío, the god of the underworld and the mines, who must be appeased from time to time with rituals and sacrifices. The film follows a handful of people of different ages on and in the mountain as they go about their tough daily lives that are rich in mythology.

English/Original Title: CUANDO EL TORO LLORÓ. Writer: Karen Vázquez Guadarrama, Bart Goossens. Camera: Karen Vázquez Guadarrama. Sound: Bart Goossens. Editing: Tom Denoyette. Music: Bram Bosteels. Production: Minds Meet. Producer: Tomas Leyers.

  • Thu, 05/10/18
    Neues Maxim