DOK.special / Festival in Exile: Syria

Ein syrisches Festival im Münchner Exil. Zu sehen sind aktuelle Momentaufnahmen einer Gesellschaft im Kriegszustand  eingefangen von syrischen FilmemacherInnen, die nach Europa fliehen mussten.


Lebanon 2014 – Director: Ziad Kalthoum – English subtitles, Q&A with Ziad Kalthoum – Length: 75 min.

  • Sat, 05/14/16
    Museum Fünf Kontinente

By day he is a sergeant in the Syrian army. After his military service he worked on the film set of his friend, Mohamed Malas. Both lives are dictated by bombings and war. In interviews and partly experimental images, Ziad Kalthoum captures what remains of normality.

English/Original Title: AL-RAKIB AL-KHALED. Writer: Ziad Kalthoum. Camera: Ziad Kalthoum. Sound: Nadime Mishlawi. Editing: Firas Jawad. Music: The silver MT zion, Bononbo. Production: Crystal Films. Producer: Firas Jawad, Marwan Ziadeh.

  • Sat, 05/14/16
    Museum Fünf Kontinente