
Der direkte Draht zum engagierten Publikum?

Online-Plattformen sind die neuen TV-Kanäle, indem sie Video-Content und Publikum unmittelbar und flexibel zusammenführen. Filmschaffende können so ihre Inhalte direkt vertreiben oder sich mit Gleichgesinnten zu einer thematischen Plattform zusammenschließen. Bietet das Plattform-Modell damit auch ideale Bedingungen für die Ansprache eines engagierten Publikums? Zusammen mit dem Experten für Plattform-Ökonomie, Prof. Dr. Andreas Wagener, diskutieren die Filmemacher David Syz und Patrick M. Müller die Chancen und Risiken der neuen Vertriebsform.

Kostenlose Tickets für die Veranstaltung gibt es hier.

Im Anschluss präsentieren wir den Launch der Globalisierungs-Plattform – mit dem Screening des Films HUNGER – GENUG IST NICHT GENUG in Anwesenheit von Bestseller-Autor Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer.

Moderation: Christian Schiffer, BR, Redakteur Bayern 2

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wagener, Hochschule Hof,
David Syz, ecodocs
Patrick M. Müller, DOCMINE




  • Tue, 05/08/18
    HFF - Kino 2
  • Tue, 05/08/18
    HFF - Kino 2
Christian Schiffer

CHRISTIAN SCHIFFER, born in 1979, political scientist, came to the scene magazine Zündfunk of the Bavarian Radio in 2008 and works there as an editor and columnist. In addition, he works as an author for various ARD institutions and moderates the broadcast line filter on PULS. For his radio feature In the shelter of darkness - In 2015 he was awarded the Prix Marulic. Christian Schiffer lives in Munich.

Prof. Andreas Wagener
University Hof

Andreas Wagener is Professor of Digital Marketing at Hof University. He runs the blog "nerdwä", which deals with the digital transformation in business and society, as well as he regularly deals with these topics as a speaker and keynote speaker. As a partner of the consulting firm "Lutz & Wagener", he also advises companies in the management of digital transformation with a focus on marketing and sales.

Patrick M. Müller
Producer (DOCMINE)

Swiss documentary film producer Patrick M. Müller is a pioneer in the field of factual digital storytelling. His projects have won, among others, the Grimme Online Award, Best of Apple App Store, German eBook Award of Bookfair Frankfurt and Worlddidac Award. He is a graduate of the University of Television and Film Munich and founder and co-owner of Zurich based Studio Docmine. His latest project is an interactive videobook about Carl Lutz:




Dr. David W.Syz
State Secretary for Economic Affairs Switzerland a.D., formerly VR Credit Suisse

The Swiss Foundation ecodocs foundation wants to make the context of globalization understandable. For this purpose, David Syz has in the past produced documentary films on selected topics of globalization. Now it's about discussing the challenges of the future in an online platform. GLOBATE will be realized for this purpose.