Africa: Africa Day – Podiumsdiskussion

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Panel discussion

THE FUTURE IS FEMALE!? Women’s perspectives in African societies

Women play a special role in African countries. In rural areas they are viewed as the key to economic development. Behind the scenes it is mostly the mothers who hold together the families and thus the community. In violent conflicts this central function of women often makes them the target of sexual abuse in violation of their human rights. In the public and political realm they rarely make an appearance.

How do the women see their current position in the social fabric of African societies? How do female filmmakers position themselves in a male dominated system? Which feminist strategies exist? And what role does documentary film play in all of this?

The Africa Day 2017 focuses on three films from and about the continent, Q&As and a subsequent discussion on the image of women in African societies.

The event will be held in English.

Panel discussion participants:

Heidi Specogna (Filmmaker CAHIER AFRICAIN, Switzerland), Porcia Mudavanhu – (Filmmaker and festival coordinator Zimbabwe International Film Festival, Zimbabwe), Samantha Biffot – (Filmmaker THE AFRICAN WHO WANTED TO FLY, Seite 45, Gabon), Dieudo Hamadi (Filmmaker MAMA COLONEL) Moderation: Barbara Off

  • Fr, 12.05.2017
    HFF - Kino 1
  • Fr, 12.05.2017
    HFF - Kino 1