Line Sander Egede

Producer (TAK films)

Line Sander Egede was born in Copenhagen in 1986 but has been living in Montreal since 2015. Line has been producing short films, documentaries and music videos since 2010. Working with Danish director Malou Reymann, she produced three short films, the medium-length film “Interruption” and the documentary “Distance” that premiered at CPH:DOX 2018. "Interruption" and "Distance" were both produced at Nordisk Film Production. Line has a bachelor in TV and media journalism from DMJX. In 2015 she moved to Montreal and in 2017 she was a part of the Cinema program at L’inis. Line has just premiered the feature film Vacarme directed by Neegan Trudel at CINEMANIA and PÖFF. She is currently in post-production with the feature documentary Gabor directed by Joannie Lafrenière. With her company TAK films Line is aiming to develop co-productions with Europe.

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