Lena Gieseke

Jury DOK.digital - Award for new narrative formats (Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF)

Lena Gieseke is a professor of Visual Media Technologies / Technical Direction in the M.A. Creative Technologies program and as its dean responsible for developing the curriculum. She earned a Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart as a member of the Visual Computing group in the Department of Computer Science. Her research in the field of computer graphics is published in a number of peer-reviewed journals and as a patent. From 2012-2015 she held a scholarship of the Digital Media doctoral program. In 2015, Lena Gieseke spent four months as a visiting researcher at Adobe Research in San Jose, USA. Before returning to academia in 2012, Lena Gieseke worked for several years as software-developer and 3D artist in the visual effects and 3D computer animation industry. Her animation A 3D Exploration of Picasso’s Guernica has been screened internationally.

Jury DOK.digital