Germany 2024 – Director: Matthäus Wörle – Original language: Romanian – Subtitles: English, German – Length: 82 min.
High in the Romanian mountains, a dam was hastily built to collect the effluent from a megalomaniac copper mine, flooding an entire village. Only the church spire still protrudes from the toxic slurry. Despite this, for over 40 years Valeria has held on to her piece of earth where she lives in a small farmhouse on the hillside just a few metres away from the lake. How much longer can this continue? A true cinema experience. Jan Sebening
After studying journalism, Matthäus Wörle first worked for various prestigious newspapers, broadcasters and productions before focusing on documentary film directing. WHERE WE USED TO SLEEP is his graduation film at HFF Munich.
Filmography (selection)
GEAMĂNA, DE 2021, 30 min.
Nominated for the VIKTOR Main Competition DOK.international
Slices of life, insights and perspectives: The films of the International Competition open doors to new worlds for us. They compete for the award VIKTOR Main Competition, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. The award donor is Bayerischer Rundfunk.
Nominated for the FFF Talent Award Documentary Film
No FSK youth rating
Writer: Matthäus Wörle. Camera: Moritz Dehler, Max Kölbl. Sound: Matthäus Wörle. Editing: Matthäus Wörle, Felicitas Sonvilla. Music: Giuliano Loli. Production: megaherz GmbH. Producer: Fidelis Mager, Oliver Gernstl.