Austria, Germany 2021 – Director: Lennart Hüper – Original language: English, German – Subtitles: English, German, None – Length: 81 min.

Peeling potatoes, scrubbing the deck, strumming on the guitar: it sounds like normal everyday life for a sailor but it is a frustrating ordeal for the crew of the “Mission Lifeline.” The authorities’ inaction is preventing them from going out into the Mediterranean once more to rescue refugees in danger of their lives.

The subtitles are selectable in the audio settings of the video.

No youth rating


Lennart Hüper

Hüper began working as an assistant editor and cameraman after graduating from high school. Afterwards, he studied film and sound and dealt mainly with socio-political topics. He works as a freelance director and cameraman and is studying sociology.

Filmography (selection)

THANK YOU FOR TRAVELING WITH DEUTSCHE BAHN, D 2018, short documentary film
DAS LOCH, D 2018, short documentary film

Münchner Premieren

Munich is the home of the filmmakers whose works are collected in this series. But time and again, the gaze also wanders far beyond the city's borders.

Shortlist FFF Talent Award Documentary Film, sponsored by FilmFernsehFonds Bayern


English/Original Title: NO NEWS. Writer: Lennart Hüper. Camera: Lennart Hüper. Sound: Henning Großmann (Sounddesign/Mischung), Luca Reppenhorst(Oton). Editing: Jana Libnik. Music: Henning Großmann. Production: Lennart Hüper (Eigenproduktion); FH Dortmund(Koproduktion). Producer: Lennart Hüper. International Sales: sixpackfilm.

Munich Premieres 2021

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