Deutschland 2017 – Director: Tom Fröhlich – Original language: Arabic, English, Hebrew – Subtitles: German – Length: 75 min.

  • Do., 03.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Film talk with director attending
  • Fr., 11.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Tickets at the location
  • Sa., 12.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Tickets at the location

In a tattoo studio in the middle of Jerusalem people of different origins and religions meet as they get their stories inked onto their skin. During the painful sessions they talk about what they associate with Jerusalem and paint a picture of a city full of contradictions.

The film will be screened with German subtitles.

All Screenings:

Fr, May 4th, 11.00 am, Jüdisches Museum München
Fr, May 4th, 02.00 pm, Jüdisches Museum München
Su, May 6th, 02.00 pm, Jüdisches Museum München
Thur, May 10th, 11.00 am, Jüdisches Museum München
Fr, May 11th, 02.00 pm, Jüdisches Museum München
Sa, May 12th, 02.00 pm, Jüdisches Museum München

Please find here all screenings at one glance.



Writer: Tom Fröhlich. Camera: Christoph Bockisch. Sound: René Kramer. Editing: Emil Rosenberger. Music: Adrian Portia. Production: Tom Fröhlich. Producer: Tom Fröhlich. Co-Producers: //.

DOK.special 2018
  • Do., 03.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Film talk with director attending
  • Fr., 11.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Tickets at the location
  • Sa., 12.05.18
    Jüdisches Museum München
    Tickets at the location