Frankreich, Spanien 2009 – Director: Oriol Canals – Spanish, French, Wolof and Others with English subtitles and German translation – Length: 94 min.

  • Thu, 05/06/10

How do you make a film about people who are scared to be discovered? How do you tell their story when they just want to be forgotten? It is with these questions in mind that Oriol Canals set out to make his film about illegal immigrants from Africa. These people “arrived” in Spain to live a shadowy existence on the furthest edge of Europe. They work like modern slaves on the vegetable farms. Their lives are defined by fear and shame - the fear of being sent back home and the shame of admitting their failures. In moving video messages that are addressed to their families back home the migrants speak for the first time ever of their frustrated dreams and their desire to return home in dignity.

You will find more information at the film website.

English/Original Title: Letters from the Shadows. Writer: Oriol Canals. Camera: Jean-Jacques Mréjen, Florian Bouchet, Oriol Canals. Sound: Oriol Canals. Editing: Virginie Véricourt. Music: Marc Chalosse. Production: Corto Pacific (France), Turkana Films (Spain). Producer: Philippe Bouychou.

  • Thu, 05/06/10