Belgien, Frankreich, Deutschland 2016 – Director: Jonathan Littell – English subtitles – Length: 133 min.

  • Mon, 05/08/17
    HFF - Audimax

Former Ugandan child soldiers from Joseph Konys’ brutal Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) revisit their past: they re-enact scenes, visit locations and speak with each other. Simultaneously government troops track down one of the old rebel leaders in the bush. He too was kidnapped as a child.

Writer: Jonathan Littell. Camera: Joachim Philippe, Johann Feindt. Sound: Yolande Decarsin, Yves Coméliau. Editing: Marie-Hélène Dozo. Production: Veilleur de nuit, zero one film, Wrong Men. Producer: Jean-Marc Giri. International Sales: Le Pacte Distribution: Neue Visionen Filmverleih

  • Mon, 05/08/17
    HFF - Audimax