International Competition


Japan 2013 – Director: Kaoru Ikeya – Japanese with english subtitles – Length: 118 min.

  • Wed, 05/15/13
    Rio 2

„I’m a stubborn old cuss, I won’t give up.“ 79-year-old Naoshi lost his son in the tsunami. His village was destroyed and the inhabitants housed in emergency accommodation. But he has a dream: next spring he wants to be living in a newly built house and be able to die there. Just as he has always done, Naoshi chops down trees, which will be used for the new building, and plants rice again. He obstinately opposes the authorities. He worries resignedly that his wife will abandon him. He receives his strength from dialogue with his ancestors at the Shinto shrine.
Roots are not just where your home is but also the beginning of all that comes into existence. An impressive example of a new beginning in the midst of the catastrophe. Dunja Bialas

English/Original Title: Senzo ni Naru. Camera: Masaharu Fukui. Sound: Takehiko Watanabe. Editing: Koichi Tayama. Production: Ren Universe. Producer: Yoko Kwon. International Sales: cat&docs.

  • Wed, 05/15/13
    Rio 2