DOK.composition Award & German Documentary Film Music Award
DOK.composition Award
Few projects have so far focused on the collaboration between filmmakers and composers. In order to strengthen this unique artistic alliance and promote the development of contemporary compositions, the Marketplace awards a 2,500 Euro prize for documentary film and composition. The award is sponsored by Sonoton Music.
The grants are awarded to musicians from the German-speaking region for the development of the score for a documentary film in the making. The aim is to support the development of the composition and the recording of the music for this project.
The Nominees 2023
A LETTER TO JENNA, composers: Ptkah_Jung
HAVEST MOON, composer: Zeina Azouqah
MAKING GOOD AGAIN, composer: Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari
SHE SINGS OF MURDER AND LOVE, composer: David McAulay
OUT OF JOINT, composer: Frank Schulte
Award Sponsor
For more than 50 years, Sonoton Music has stood for top-class production music – both technically and musically. With over 50 international agencies, Sonoton is the world's largest independent provider of professional production music.
German Documentary Film Music Award: THIS KIND OF HOPE
Every year, the German Documentary Film Music Award honours a composition that combines in an outstanding way with the documentary film narrative. It sees itself as a platform for the work of the composers and the value of music as a narrative level in documentary films.
The Swiss musician, composer and producer David Langhard receives the German Documentary Film Music Award 2023 for his music to THIS KIND OF HOPE. Sincere congratulations!

Switzerland/Germany 2023, 83 min., Director: Pawel Siczek, Composition: David Langhard
He wants “to prevent Europe from sacrificing Belarus to Russia.” This is how Andrei Sannikov describes his mission. He stepped down from his position as Vice Foreign Minister in 1996 in protest against Lukaschenko’s policies and directly challenged him as a presidential candidate in 2010. Sannikov was subsequently arrested, tortured and sentenced. Today he lives in exile in Poland. His fight for a free Belarus continues. Silvia Bauer
The Nominees 2023
FAMILIENLOS, Komposition: Yukio Elien LanzFI
TNESS CALIFORNIA – WIE MAN DIE EXTRA MEILE GEHT, Komposition: Sebastian Scheipers für Frische Luft
PLASTIC FANTASTIC, Komposition: Damian Scholl
THIS IS OUR EVERYTHING, Komposition: Ulrich Kodjo Wendt
THIS KIND OF HOPE, Komposition: David Langhard
Award Sponsor
The award is endowed with 5,000 euros. It goes to the team of filmmaker and composer. It is donated by the Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung and supported by the Förder- und Hilfsfonds des Deutschen Komponistenverbandes DKV.
Jury and Moderation
Henrik Ajax, Freelance composer and lecturer
Ben Bassauer, Head of acquisitions and sales at Monoduo Films
Aline Schmid, Producer at Beauvoir Films, Geneva (CH)
Ralf Schulze, Festival director and music publisher
Judit Varga, Composer, film composer, pianist and lecturer
The event will be moderated by Christina Wolf.
The event will be held in German and English.
The event will be held on site.
If you would like to attend only this event of the programme 2023, please book a ticket in advance.
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As an accredited, please also register directly via the event page ("Register now").