Jury FFF-Förderpreis Dokumentarfilm 2016

Matthias Leybrand

Author, Bayerischer Rundfunk

Born in 1969 in Munich. 1993 - 1997 Documentary Studies at HFF Munich. Author and director of numerous cinematic features for 3 SAT and BR, mission support at BR-culture magazine Capriccio, besides working as an author, for the programs ttt, Capriccio, Tracks et al.

Mariette Rissenbeek

Managing Director German Films, Munich

Born in the Netherlands, studied German philology and dramatics at the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. From 1986 to 1995 Tobis Filmkunst GmbH & Co. KG in the department of distribution, from 1995 to 1999 at Regina Ziegler Filmproduktion as a Producer, working as a publisher at Twenne publishing house. Since October 2003 at German Films Service + Marketing GmbH, first responsible for public relations and festival work, since 2006 deputy managing director and since 2010 managing director.

Alex Rühle

Feuilletonist, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

Born in 1969, studied in Munich, Paris and Berlin comparative literature, French, theology and philosophy. Since 2001 feuilletonist at Süddeutsche Zeitung. Co-founder of the satirical Goldgrund-Immobilien and Bellevue di Monaco.