The film programme of the 39th DOK.fest München: In the cinema. At home.

1 to 12 May 2024 at the Munich venues
6 to 20 May 2024 @home

Like every year, DOK.fest München 2024 opens up a view of the world: with 109 of the best and most current international documentaries from 51 countries. Our aim is to ensure the greatest possible participation in our films, which is why we bring them to the big screen in Munich cinemas and cultural venues as well as to home screens throughout Germany as barrier-free as possible: DOK.fest München stays dual!

You can filter our film programme by section (competitions and programme series), country, keyword or film title on this page.

Please enter the festival edition you would like to find out more about a film in the year field.

We look forward to your visit!

In Memoriam: NAWALNY

When we presented the film NAWALNY at the opening of the 37th DOK.fest München 2022 just two months after the Russian army invaded Ukraine, our audience quickly realised: Alexei Navalny is prepared to risk his life for his fight against Vladimir Putin. Now Alexei Navalny has actually become a victim of Putin's brutal political system. By showing the film, we want to give our audience the opportunity to once again encounter this courageous man on the big screen, whose legacy weighs heavily and will not be forgotten.

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  • Logo Sponsor