Online: Schule des Sehens 2025
With the online cinema, the film education programme enables school classes outside Munich to take a cultural trip to the film festival.
In the online cinema room, your school class meets real filmmakers and watches an age-appropriate film under supervision. Our accompanying material for schools ensures a lasting experience. After registration, every teacher can use our educational programme: in the classroom, in distance learning or as homework.
The free online cinema rooms are open from 1st of May until 31st of July 2025.
The educational programme of Schule des Sehens is only available in German language.
The films of Schule des Sehens 2025
The shortfilm for 8- to 12-years olds
Marco Giacopuzzi, DE 2018, 25 Min.
Fritz plays football with his friends and in a rock band. Thereby the eleven-year-old is not always as careful in his wheelchair as he should be: Fritz has ‘glass bones’ that break very easily. But he doesn't let this take away his joy of life.
more information in German language
The shortfilm for 12- to 15-years olds
Liesbeth de Mey, BE 2024, 15 Min.
Sana is passionate about boxing and baking cakes. The 14-year-old always has to refocus: Training, baking, training – for the big boxing competition in Pisa. Will she have to make a decision in the future or will she be able to withstand the challenge of both opposing passions?
more information in German language
The shortfilm for 15- to 20-years olds
Eefje Blankevoort & Lara Aerts, NL 2024, 32 Min.
At the age of eight, Samie fled alone from Eritrea to the Netherlands. She remembers her refuge with unease and desperately wants to belong in her new home. Her strong will and her 18th birthday bring her one step closer to independence.
more information in German language
More about the online-cinema & registration
Choose the right film for your class based on the short description and register for the Schule des Sehens.
After your registration, you will receive the educational material as well as your personal access to the password-protected online cinema room. There, your school class will find the documentary film (1), the video seminar (2), worksheets (3) and various fun facts on cinema, that will turn our trip to the online festival into a real adventure.
You can just watch the film or add corresponding lessons from the programme. The programme is suitable for either one to six lessons for classroom or distance learning.
The Schule des Sehens offers three modules per film:
- Module 1 – „Film ab!" – online film screening (~20 min.)
- Module 2 – „Blick hinter die Kulissen" – online video seminar with the filmmaker (~20 min.)
- Module 3 – „Begleitmaterial & Arbeitsblätter" – educational material for the teacher
You would also like to go the cinema?
For school classes based in or close to Munich, the team offers school class workshops in the cinema on the three films during the festival period. Read more
Registration for the cinema workshops:
Sponsors & partners
"In our multimedia world, it is not always easy to distinguish between fiction and reality. This makes it all the more important to learn media literacy, as it enables us to categorise our experiences and participate in culture." Anton Biebl, cultural adviser of the city of Munich and patron of
The Schule des Sehens is an event of the International Documentary Film Festival Munich e.V. Sincere thanks are given to our partners und sponsors, who provide our students with cultural education, media competence training and participation at art and culture in this year.