Documentary Film Competition for Young People 2022

with prizes donated by the Bavarian Teachers' Association BLLV e.V.

Youth film competition 2022

You can handle the camera and have experienced something? Then tell us a story from your life! What is important to you? What is happening with you, what is happening with your friends? Do you have the courage and the openness to look closely? Grab your camera, your smartphone or the iPad, show us your view of LIFE! and submit your documentary film to us!



The 2022 Jury

We are very happy to announce this year's jury of the Documentary competition for Young People 2022:

Julian Janssen, Moderator und bekannt als "Checker Julian" für die gleichnamige Kinderwissenssendung im KiKA
Shirin Kasraeian, Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit, Verantwortliche für Vermittlungsformate Video, Games und Podcast
Philipp Aubel, Projektleitung Arbeitsbereich Junge Filmszene des Bundesverband Jugend und Film
Monika Faltermeier, Lehrerin und 1. Vorsitzende Junger BLLV
Leopold Grün, Geschäftsführer, Vision Kino – Netzwerk für Film- und Medienkompetenz

Click here for all biographies of our jury members.


Who can participate and what we are looking for

All pupils from Bavaria – from primary school to vocational high school – can take part in the competition. Your film should be 3 to 20 minutes long and show a moment from real life. Dare, be creative, show us your pictures! Since the award is a documentary film prize, feature films and fictional ideas are not admitted.

The deadline for entries is on April 1st 2022.

NEW DEADLINE: April 5th 2022

What we need from you

Accompanying the film (DVD, Bluray or file format with container .MOV, .mp4 or .MXF) please send us a short CV of yourself as well as a short text (max. 1 DIN A4 page) about the idea and realization of the film. Please do not forget to include your address and phone number.
Unfortunately we cannot return DVDs, USB sticks or other storage media.

Send everything by email or post to

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München Jugendfilmwettbewerb
Dachauerstr. 116
80636 München

If you have any questions please contact Kathi Seemann at


Music in film

If you want to use music in your movie, there are a few things to consider. You can only use music in a movie if you have the appropriate rights to use it. That means you need the right to use the music or song in your movie. This right is usually held by the record company. You also need the right to perform the music in public. This right usually has to be clarified via GEMA. This also applies to music that only runs in the background.

To include your current favorite song in your movie will therefore be quite complicated.
Basically you should only use music that is free of rights or music that you composed and recorded yourself.

You can find links to rights-free music licensed under Creative Commons on this page.


The sixth edition of the youth film competition with the theme LIFE! is offered by, the children and youth programme of the International Documentary Film Festival Munich in cooperation with the main prize donor BLLV e.V., the Bavarian Teachers' Association.

Five prizes with a total value of 1,100 euros will be awarded.



BLLV is the professional organisation of Bavarian teachers of all school types. 66.000 teachers are members of BLLV. We stand for a holistic concept of education. The transfer of knowledge is important, but social and practical skills are more in demand today than ever before. That is why schools have to reorient themselves. Active filming with pupils is an excellent way to implement this holistic approach to education in schools. That is why we are happy to be a partner and supporter of

Dr. Dieter Reithmeier, head of BLLV bavaria



Awards Ceremony 2022

The awards ceremony of this years competition takes place during the 37. DOK.fest München, on Saturday the 14th of Mai at 2.30 pm on the big stage at HFF München! All important infos on the ceremony in May you find on this page.

Have a look at the last awards ceremony of 2021, online and live from the Deutsches Theaters in Munich.



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