Jury ARRI AMIRA Award 2017

Prof. Michael Leuthner

Professor for camera, Macromedia Hochschule für Medien

Michael Leuthner arbeitete vor seinem Studium als Beleuchter für die staatlichen Theater in Stuttgart und München sowie für den Bayerischen Rundfunk. An der Münchner Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film studierte er ab 1992 Dokumentarfilm und betreute während seines Studiums als Oberbeleuchter zahlreiche Werbespots, Musikvideos und TV-Movies. Als Kameramann realisierte er Dokumentar-, Image- und Spielfilme. 2007 wurde er Professor an der privaten Hochschule Macromedia im Studiengang Film/Fernsehen und arbeitet nebenbei gelegentlich noch als Kameramann für dokumentarische Formate.

Anne Misselwitz

Camera woman

Anna Misselwitz studied camera at the London College of Communication and at the University of Television and Film "Konrad Wolf" in Babelsberg. Over the past 10 years she has been making full-length documentaries, which have received awards at a number of festivals. For her graduation film DER DIE DAS, she received the award for "Best Camera" at the international women's film festival in Dortmund. The documentary film FOOTBALL UNDER COVER has won the audience award as well as the award for best documentary film at the Teddy Awards at the 59th Berlinale in 2008. The Kurdish feature film COME TO MY VOICE received multiple awards on festivals all around the world (i.e. festivals in Istanbul, Maine, Rotterdam, Milan). Currently, Anne Misselwitz lives in Berlin and shoots the documentary THE FEMALE TOUCH in Delhi, London as well as Nairobi. 


Prof. Heiner Stadler

Professor for documentary film and TV journalism 

Heiner Stadler completed his studies at the University for Television and Film Munich (HFF) in 1975. Afterwards he worked as director and producer for documentaries and feature films. He participated at several international festivals, i.e. in Venice, Toronto, Locarno and Berlin. For his work, he has been awarded the Bavarian Film Award as well as the Max Ophüls Sponsorship Prize. Furthermore, he was nominated for the European Film Award. 

Since 2004 he holds the professorship at the HFF Munich and heads the department for documentary film as well as TV journalism.