Documentary film competition for young people 2025

with prizes donated by the Bavarian Teachers' Association BLLV e.V.

Die Preisträger.innen und Juror.innen des Dokumentarfilmwettbewerbs 2022
Winners and the Jury 2024

Call for entries for the documentary film competition

For the 11th time,, the educational programme of the Munich International Documentary Film Festival, is organising the documentary film competition for young people together with the Bayerischer lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverband e.V. (Bavarian Teachers' Association).

Are you a student, trainee or apprentice and can handle a camera? Are you a school class or group and want to make a documentary film together? Then tell us your real-life story! What is close to your heart? What is happening in your family, neighbourhood or circle of friends? Do you have the courage and openness to look? Grab your camera, smartphone or iPad and show us your view of LIFE!

Jury 2025

We proudly present the Jury of this year! Five experts from the fields of film, media and education will decide on the submitted documentaries and the award winners:

Katharina Köster, scriptwriter and documentary filmmaker
Fritz Espenlaub, AI expert, podcaster and speaker at BR-macht-Schule
Elisabeth Wenk, Festival director Goldener Spatz – Deutsches Kinder medien Festival
Mathis Welker, Secondary school teacher, Young BLLV
Aimée Vollmer, student, Junior Film-Assistent

Submit now!

Your story about LIFE! We are looking forward to it. In the Bavaria-wide film competition for young people, we are looking for short film stories (3-15 min.) that show us life: People, hobbies, experiences, observations, wishes. It is important that the story told comes from real life.
Closing date for entries is 01 April 2024.


Who can take part

The competition is open to all pupils (from primary school to vocational secondary school), trainees and FSJ students from Bavaria - as a group or individually. The film does not have to have been made in a school context.

What we need from you

As the award is a documentary film award, pure feature films and fictional ideas are not permitted. Accompanying the film (file format .MOV or .mp4 with max. 2 GB), please send us your CV and a short text (max. 1 A4 page) on the idea and realisation of the film. Please don't forget to include your age, school, address and telephone number.

Music in the film

If you want to use music in your film, there are a few things to bear in mind. You can only use music in a film if you have the appropriate usage rights. This means that you need the right to use the music or song in your film. This right usually lies with the record company. You also need the right to perform the music in public. This right usually has to be cleared through GEMA. This also applies to music that only plays in the background. Incorporating your current favourite song into your film will therefore be quite complicated. As a general rule, you should only use copyright-free music or music that you have composed and recorded yourself. You can find links to copyright-free music licensed under Creative Commons on this page.


Image rights

You must first clarify the image rights for yourself and all other people who appear in the film: You need a declaration of consent that you are allowed to film other people and a filming permit for the locations where you are filming (e.g. school grounds, a café). You can easily create a document that briefly describes what you are filming and why. You must have this document signed and keep it in a safe place. You can download a template here and adapt it for your film project.

We also need permission from you as the filmmaker to show your film at the festival and on our website. If you are under the age of 18, please obtain the consent of a parent or guide. Get the docuemnts in German language:


Guide lines for your documentary in German language


Send everything by email to:

Kathi Seemann,
or by post (e.g. on a USB stick) to:

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München Jugendfilmwettbewerb
Dachauerstr. 116
80636 München


Prizes and award winners

The 10th edition of the documentary film competition with the theme LIFE! will be awarded by, the educational programme of the Munich International Documentary Film Festival, as part of a grand award ceremony. Thanks to the main prize sponsor BLLV e.V., Bayerischen Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverband, four prizes totalling 1.100 euros will be awarded:

1st prize main category, endowed with 400 euros - donated by BLLV e.V.
2nd prize main category, endowed with 300 euros - donated by BLLV e.V.
3rd prize main category, endowed with 200 euros - donated by BLLV e.V.
1st prize category 6- to 11-year-olds, endowed with 200 euros - donated by BLLV e.V.

Free workshops "Documentary storytelling"

In addition to the documentary film competition, we offer all young people interested in film a free filmmaking workshop "Documentary storytelling". How do you work with a true story in film? How do you find and approach the people you want to portray in your film? And how do you make the story exciting? We will answer these and other questions in a free workshop designed for those who would like to make their own documentary film. The film experts from will show you different ways of telling a documentary story. Together they will work out different stylistic devices, film language and the role of editing. In addition to analysis and theory, the workshop day also includes small practical film demonstrations and a handy package of basic tips that you need to find and address stories and people yourself.

Partners and sponsors

Bayerischer Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverband BLLV e.V.