IN MEMORIAM Simone Fürbringer

*14 June 1957  †8 May 2023


Filmstill from FLOATING ISLANDS © DOK.fest München


Our dear friend, esteemed filmmaker and long-time DOK.fest München companion Simone Fürbringer passed away on Monday 8 May 2023 surrounded by her loved ones. Our thoughts are with her loved ones, especially her partner and filmmaker Nicolas Humbert.

On Sunday, 14 May 2023, we presented Simone Fürbringer's current film FLOATINGS ISLANDS, which she made together with Nicolas Humbert, once again at Neues Rottmann in a special screening to honour her work and to say goodbye.

Once again we have tried to trace the beauty of life, in all its shades. And to give this trace a cinematic expression. Even in the darkest times, poetry remains a refuge and a force of resistance. See what you can find of it for yourself on our floating islands. All the best! (Nicolas Humbert)